An second impregnation plant was sent to China, after the first delivered and installed in 2019.
LOSP impregnation plant in China
We have delivered with satisfaction the first LOSP impregnation treatment plant for a large company in China.
Vacuum-pressure impregnator per customer from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Acompany from Bosnia and Herzegovina has purchased our vacuum-pressure impregnation plant for its production of wooden playgrounds.
Impregnation plant delivered to Switzerland
We delivered a vacuum-pressure impregnation system to a renowned roof manufacturer in Switzerland.
Vacuum-pressure impregnation plant for customers in New Zealand
Alarge New Zealand company has purchased our vacuum-pressure impregnation plant, equipped with 3 storage tanks.
LOSP impregnation plant in Australia
We have delivered with satisfaction the first LOSP impregnation treatment plant for a large Australian company.